Saturday 10 March 2012

A Mafia Review

In terms of random things we like them so when we saw this in Morrison's we couldn't pass up the opportunity

Put on digestive biscuits it's like eating a cheese cake....

Mafia opinion weird but NOM!!!

Friday 9 March 2012

Mafia board 9/3/12

The mafia wedding...

Saffy and Becca are planning their wedding, it's going to be at the airshow so we're going for a camo theme a bit like this:

or maybe

or even

Although I'm not sure about the merits of squashing Saffy with a picture frame

She's going to look awesome on top of the B52....

Although the schizophrenic helicopter plane is going to be there aka the Osprey so maybe we should use that...

Obviously the bridesmaids are going to wear flight suits

And the all important Aviators: