Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Mafia History: Dairsie and the book of towns page 1

Being a Cupar based Mafia we usually must travel from Cupar to St Andrews for work. For a rather long period of time the back road was closed and as such every morning we would have to travel through Dairsie.
This wouldn't be a problem but on such a nice straight bit of road you resent breaking from 60mph to 30mph down to 20mph to go through it especially since there is nothing there.
After a few months of being annoyed at Dairsie's existence we started to make a game of driving through and spotting the things Darsie has to offer. A few weeks later after a trip to Glasgow and back we were off comparing small town commodities to those of Dairsie and as such a travel challenge arose.
Much like the Michelin ISpy books of our childhood for every town we drive through we have a book containing check lists in, comparing everything to our now beloved Dairsie.

Town Pub School Bus Stop Park Shop Phonebox 2 Others Better Comparable Worse
Dairsie Y Y Y Y Y Y Garage, B&B, Church Darsie
Star Y Y Y Y Y Y Takeaway, 2nd School Comparable
Balmullo Y Y Y Y Y Y Farm Worse
Guardbridge Y (hotel) Y Y Y Y Y Chipshop, Pineshop, Hairdressers, Beauticians suprisingly better
Leuchars Y Y Y Y Y Y RAF Base, Station, ATM, Fife cycle centre, double glazing Better
St Michaels Y (Hotel) N Y N N Y (Emergency AA) Golf Course, B&B, Clay Pigeons Worse
Pool of Muckhart Y Y Y Y Y Y Pub, Coffee shop, B&B, Church Comparable
Forgan N N Y N Y(Stoves) N Garage, Church Worse
Bow of Fife N N Y N Y Y Church Worse
Page 1 - The Mafia's guide to towns comparable to Dairsie

This has also started us on having our photos take with signposts of these towns

And we even gifted a Dairsie jigsaw to Becca.

After a while we discovered Drum. It has an awesome name, so we have to go there. Much to our disappointment there was absolutely nothing there. No sign of a bus stop, nothing.  We'd reached a new low of town rubbishness. So now a new challenge began to find towns comparable to Drum. A much shorter list started.

In honour of Drum, towns with cool names but absolutely nothing there.

Tay Bridge
Ratho Station

We are working hard on our guide book of places not to visit hoping that our mafia faction in Germany and upcoming travel results in this becoming an international guide book. Of course the book has to look the part too.

So that's page 1 and the beginning of the adventure, further pages will appear at some point when one of us can be bothered to type up a table.

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