Tuesday 24 January 2012

Mafia History: Cushioning Part I

The mafia loves Ikea as such we go on Ikea convoys but that's another story and not that entertaining so we won't worry about it now. But in Ikea they sell cushions and the Mafia does love a good cushion. To that end and one point we brought back the cheap Ikea cushion pads ready to cover.

Probably one of the easiest things to sew are cushions a nice square straight line perfect for training. So we began making cushion covers in training for the epic sewing session of epicness (See Mafia fashions part I).

As we ran out of cushion pads so the cushioning stopped or so we thought.

We were commissioned to make some curtains for a friend of ours and while we were there Reme's mother asked us to turn some old pillows into cushions for Reme. So one of the stranger weekends of the Mafia happened. More to the point a new art of cushioning making inners as well as covers started.

The beautiful mafia curtains and cushions.

So we branched out. The world was our cushiony oyster. Our next commission came from Fergus. A full Isle of Skye tartan cushion set.

There are only a limited number of old pillows in any persons life as such the shredding of duvets are vital. It works out much cheaper than buying on the roll stuffing and so we get to have many hours of duvet shredding.
The Duvet

Shredding the duvet.

What happens when you shred a full duvet

The inners for the Fergus Cushion

 What happens if you leave a mafia with a room full of fluff

Cutting out the cushions

Full range of cushion cover parts

Sewing time with donkey (the machine not Jacks!!!)

(Finish product to appear later)

So this is the beginning of the cushiony adventure more to follow with epic tales of the monster cushions and Kasun's cushions.

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